Making It Happen

I could never put into words how wonderful Blackberry Winter and it’s creator Teri Brown have been in helping so many that couldn’t help themselves. Blackberry Winter has been a blessing to our community and the many individuals it has helped to get a fresh start in life. I am the project director of the “Together We Can” program in Tazewell County and work directly with client’s pertaining to Foster Care and Child Protective Services with prevention and reunification. I am also a registered addiction specialist that helps clients to get into a recovery program and work towards recovery. So many have stigmas against people with addictions but I want to say Teri Brown/Blackberry Winter has never turned anyone away and has helped several of my clients to furnish their home with furniture and home furnishings. Teri Brown has a huge heart and has dedicated her time and effort into helping others without expecting anything in return! I’ve asked for help several times in getting clients furniture to set up housekeeping and she is always ready to assist without any hesitation and tells me “We can make this happen “ I love Teri’s genuine love and concern she shows for others. I am so thankful Teri started Blackberry Winter because it has helped so many to have a new beginning. I was working with a family of 6 that didn’t have any furniture and Blackberry Winter/Teri Brown provided this family with enough furniture to fill their entire home and also provided enough home furnishings to set up housekeeping. I am very thankful for Blackberry Winter and know several of my clients would not have their new beginning if it wasn’t for Teri Brown/BlackberryWinter “Making it happen”!

Teri Crawford Brown